
Below are results for core services as identified by the unit.  Each chart shows mean scores for each of seven questions.  The seven questions include an overall question and performance in specific customer service areas.  Each question was rated on a scale from extremely unsatisfied to extremely satisfied.

  • Graduate School Academics: Academic experience in your graduate program
  • Graduate School Program Development: Graduate programming development to meet student needs
  • Graduate School Support Services: Development and funding opportunites, student experience on campus
  • UW Bothell Custodial Services: Provides daily custodial services and regular cleaning
  • UW Bothell Digital Communications: Support and consultation to create a consistent look and feel across UW Bothell website through user-friendly navigation and interactive, up-to-date content
  • UW Bothell Financial Aid: Assistance programs to  bridge the gap between UW costs and the financial resources of students and their families. Counsels students on available aid programs, maintaining eligibility, and payment options
  • UW Bothell Printing and Copier Services: Printing and copier services for faculty and staff, including leasing, setting up user codes, troubleshooting, and campus billing. This service is shared between IT and Fiscal Audit Services
  • UW Bothell Registration: Administrative resources; e.g., processing requests for registration, classroom assignments, transcripts, diplomas, and enrollment certification
  • UW Bothell Safety Services: Day-to-day campus safety and security services and education to promote a safe and secure living, learning and working environment

Acting on Results

UW Bothell Heard you!

In response to survey results, here are a few of the improvements UW Bothell is pursuing

  • Campus Safety: conduct an additional survey to assess, and develop an action plan. Increase the number of Campus Safety Forums and Trainings. Increase officer foot patrols to enhance relationships with the community
  • Custodial: conduct web focus groups in order to understand gaps in online documentation. Improve documentation on specific topics such as services in owned and leased spaces and the work order system. Benchmark with peers, including UW Tacoma and UW Seattle. Also, establish Mini-Max on campus.
  • Digital Communications: upgrade the content management system in order to improve website functionality, including the Project Order system. Survey users to further identify gaps.
  • Print/Copier Services: develop a strategy for centralizing processes, developing a comprehensive website, and establishing a point of contact for printing/copier issues. Develop a tracking mechanism to assess turnaround response time for the help desk.
  • Registration/Financial Aid:  convene at least one focus group of students to identify pain points. Revisit the website and review on-line documentation. Also, work to improve survey response rate in future surveys.
These changes should benefit customers and campus partners by: 
  • Improving understanding of and relationships with Campus Safety
  • Making key campus information about work orders and custodial services more readily available
  • Improving customer access to the website and providing more avenues of communication between the Digital Communications team and campus
  • Setting expectations for response time and process from the help desk, and clarity for print and copier services
  • Reducing volume of calls to front desk 
UW Bothell Service Ambassador: Therese Zorich