
Below are results for the core service as identified by the unit.  Each chart shows mean scores for each of seven questions.  The seven questions include an overall question and performance in specific customer service areas.  Each question was rated on a scale from extremely unsatisfied to extremely satisfied.

  • Success Pathways for OMAD's Student Population: Identify/recruit students' meeting criteria, provide advising and tutoring services 

Acting on Results

OMAD would like to receive additional feedback. Here are some steps OMAD is taking to solicit feedback: 

  • Offering an additional survey opportunity, and targeting key campus partners to participate. 
  • Collaborating with colleagues from Organizational Effectiveness to review existing service delivery models and ensure their alignment with TAP goals.
  • Creating a communication plan to help increase awareness of OMAD services.

OMAD Service Ambassadors: Jan Kendle and Peter Scott