
Below are results for core services as identified by the unit.  Each chart shows mean scores for each of seven questions.  The seven questions include an overall question and performance in specific customer service areas.  Each question was rated on a scale from extremely unsatisfied to extremely satisfied.

  • UW NetID: Support to UW in creating and managing digital identities; i.e., authentication, accounts, email address, and other instances requiring unique identification. Different types of UW NetIDs to support different needs, including Personal, Shared, Temporary, and Admin UW NetIDs
  • Wired Network Services: Connections to UW-IT provisioned data wall ports support wired network access to UW campus, Internet, and various research networks

Acting on Results

UW-IT Heard You!

In response to survey results, here are a few of the improvements UW-IT is pursuing:

  • Expanding self-service options: For wired network services, we will enable departments to directly add or remove authorized users, manage network resources, and test network performance without contacting UW-IT. For UW NetID, we will update the enrollment process for new users. 
  • Increasing the default single sign-on duration for UW NetIDs from 8 to 12 hours.
  • Adopting a new two-factor authentication (2FA) solution that supports all UW employees and reduces the need for hardware tokens.   
  • Updating online information about current service options and future plans.

 These changes should benefit customers and campus partners by: 

  • Reducing the need to contact UW-IT to make changes
  • Requiring less frequent logins to many UW services
  • Providing greater online security
  • Making planned services changes more visible

 UW-IT Service Ambassador: Felicia Watson