
Below are results for core services as identified by the unit.  Each chart shows mean scores for each of seven questions.  The seven questions include an overall question and performance in specific customer service areas.  Each question was rated on a scale from extremely unsatisfied to extremely satisfied.

  • Grant and Contract Accounting: Post-award budget (research) set-up, research award accounts receivable, financial reporting, and budget reconciliation at closing
  • Student Fiscal Services: Tuition payments, short-term loans, taxes, and direct deposit

Acting on Results

Research and Student Accounting Heard You!

In response to survey results, here are a few of the improvements Research and Student Accounting is pursuing:

Grant and Contract Accounting 
  • Reviewing and revising internal communication flows.
  • Updating processes to create greater consistency of work. 
  • Continuing to gather feedback from customers on a regular basis. 
  • Regularly monitoring website content and improving online tools.  
These changes should benefit customers and campus partners by:  
  • Reducing administrative burden by ensuring that campus action is only requested when necessary.
  • Providing relevant, up-to-date, and informative web content and online tools.
  • Clearly outlining the roles and responsibilities of GCA.
  • Continuously improving processes.    
Student Fiscal Services 
  • Continuing to use Lean Management and Daily Process Improvement to better serve you.
  • Cross-training staff and updating procedures on a regular basis.
  • Adding more content to our customer service training program with real service lessons.
  • Updating website content for relevance and accuracy. 
These changes should benefit customers and campus partners by:  
  • Providing more knowledgeable staff to help with customer inquiries. 
  • Offering higher quality and increased consistency of services.
  • Providing accessible and relevant information through the SFS website 
Research and Student Accounting Service Ambassador: TBD